I use the HUB to refer to the same screen where you script your Action Points for the main game maps. I call it the HUB because you can access just about any other section of Divinity from this one screen. Take a look at Figure 7.0
Figure 7.0
From this one screen you can edit your main map Action Points, Shops, Complex Encounters, Simple Encounters, Rogue Encounters, Time Encounters, Maps, Battles, Treasures, Dungeons and Extra Action Points. You can edit strings as well. Each button will take you to an editor that will let you edit the information for creating the various aspects of your scenario. For more information on each, see the appropriate chapter.
A few special things you can do from this screen are:
Clear AP: This lets you erase all the codes in the current Action Point. It does not remove the Action Point from the screen on the Land Editor.
Erase AP: This clears the Action Point just like Clear AP but also removes the reference to it in the Land Editor. If by chance you remove the icon using FORCE on the Land Editor by mistake, the editor will still think that action point is taken. You can remove all reference to it in the editor via the Erase AP button on this screen.
Search AP's: Will bring up a screen that lets you search levels and encounters for specific combinations of Code, IDs. If you know of a specific Code, ID combination but you don't know where you put it, you may be able to locate it via this screen.
Lets take a look at the Search AP's screen.
In this case, we did a search for "Code 6", and did not specify any ID. Code 6 is the call for a shop. When we click the "Find It" it turns up all locations of Code 6.
In this case it found 4 locations where a code 6 was used.
It was used 4 times in level 0. Action point # 6, 7, 20 and 79.
If we were to click only the USE CODE it would search for Code = 6, ID = 0.
At the top you will see check boxes labeled "Search Dungeons", "Search Level APs", "Search Extra APs", "Search Simple Encoutners" and "Search Complex Encounters". This will set it to search the selected areas and include any it finds on the list.
If you have the "Search Dungeon" on it will search the specified Dungeon Level instead of Land Level.
This search routine is not too extensive but on average it should provide you enough info to find what you are looking for.
If your search turns up more than 12 entries, clicking "Find It" again will find the next 12 entries that match.
Script Tip: The single best use for this search routine may be to find where you put a particular string as a search for a CODE 1, ID 500 should turn up where the string 500 is displayed.
Often you don't know the CODE, ID combo you are looking for but you do have a string number that is used in the area of the script you are looking for.